viernes, 31 de agosto de 2018

More sports during the breaks

During the project time we have been creating a system to activate the pupils during the breaks at school. We have two longer breaks (each lasting about half an hour) during the school day and there are shifts for using the indoor sports multifunctional classroom. For those who are outside the bigger kids loan sports equipment during the breaks (the kids have the responsibility for organizing this). We decided to spend the rest of the project money for the pupils' equipment.
Pauliina with some of the new things we bought.

Sports day, August 2018

Before the project ended we had a sports day with all the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders at our school. We spent the whole day practising shot put, long jump, running (also relay) etc. The weather was nice and we ended the day with all the kids running 600 metres. Here you can see the 5th and 6th graders running.

Toiminnallista oppimista/tekemistä tunneille

• Liikkuva koulu -videot YouTubesta. • OneMinuteSport-nettisivuilta voit valita mallivideon oppilaille esim. taukojumpaksi. • X-breikki on 5.–9.-luokkalaisille tarkoitettu parin minuutin ilmainen peli, jonka ope avaa netistä. • FitWizard on nettisivusto, josta löytyy "uusia, innostavia ja innovatiivisia tapoja inspiroida oppilaita. • esim mindfulness-harjoituksia. • Paljon kivoja YouTube-videoita hakusanoilla Action song + sopiva aihepiiri. • Action track kouluille - Slideshare Tässä jotain uutta, jonka toteutus olisi varmasti mielenkiintoista. • Liikkuvaiset-korttisarjat: Yhdistellen sekä Tasapainoillen • Liikettä luokkiin! Hyvä kooste toiminnallisuudesta.

lunes, 27 de agosto de 2018

Creating the GOAL! wall

When we were starting the project we planned the Erasmus wall to two of our schools, Ikuri and Tesomajärvi. The pupils were making them and they turned out to be really full of information at the end of the project. Here is the starting point.
First we made the letters and the flags...
...then we tried to put everything together.

At the end of the project we had to collect information to one new wall,
 our new school.

Christmas cards to partner countries / 2017

We made some Christmas cards to our partners again... The pupils really liked this activity and were waiting to get some mail before Christmas.
Very traditional Finnish style cards...
...and even more cards to be sent...

6th project meeting in Finland, May 2018

The final project meeting was held in Finland in May 2018. There were teachers from all participating countries and pupils from Croatia, Greece and Poland doing their learning activities. There were 29 guests altogether! It was a busy week starting on Sunday 20th May with the arrival of the first countries with the children and they were also the last ones to leave on Friday 25th May.
The papers for the meeting are getting ready...
Visiting the classes and doing some crafts with the Finnish pupils.
We had a day full of sports at our school. We started at the sports hall, had some time to ride the ponies and continued with Finnish baseball.
Visiting the Moomin Museum and having an art workshop.

domingo, 19 de agosto de 2018

My food country

During the second school year nutrition was one of the important topics. We also discussed the food traditions of our own country and the other partner countries' traditions. We also made posters of them to put on the wall.

My dream school day

In the autumn of 2017 we had a huge competition with all partner countries. It was called My dream school day. The pupils of all grades took part in it and the best ones got nice prizes.


 The 1st-2nd graders ones only draw, the 3rd-4th graders draw with small text and the 5th and 6th graders wrote and draw about their dream school day. Here is a small selection of the artwork in our school.

Active teaching and learning activities, challenges etc.

We have tried to activate both the teachers and the pupils throughout the project. The children have carried out different tasks e.g. during the breaks by organizing different sport challenges in smaller scale and we have had some bigger competitions with the whole school, too. The teachers have also tried out new methods in teaching. Here are some examples.

The very first sport challenge and its winners.

The skipping challenge was so popular it was arranged many times.

The floorball challenge.

Sporty breaks in the lessons.

Active language lessons outdoors and indoors.

We got visitors from the sports teams.

The water bottle challenge for the teachers to drink enough water.

The biggest challenge of all, The Tessu marathon was run during a whole week, and suddenly it started to snow. The  total distance was over 400 km an it was run during the breaks.